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Job Strain, Social Class and CVD


Cardiovascular disease

49. Johnson JV, Hall EM. Job strain, work place social support, and cardiovascular disease: A cross-sectional study of a random sample of the Swedish working population. Am J Public Health 1988;78:1336-42.

CVD – cross-sectional – stronger effect for Swedish blue-collar men

50. Johnson, J. V., Hall, E. M., Theorell, T. 1989. Combined effects of job strain and social isolation on cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in a random sample of the Swedish male working population. Scand J Work Eviron Health 15:271-79.

CVD – cohort – stronger effect for Swedish blue-collar men

54. Karasek RA, Baker D, Marxer F, Ahlbom A, Theorell T. Job decision latitude, job demands, and cardiovascular disease: A prospective study of Swedish men. Am J Public Health 1981;71:694-705.

CVD mortality – case-control – stronger effect for Swedish men
with less than high-school education

68. LaCroix AZ. High demand/low control work and the incidence of CHD in the Framingham Cohort. PhD Thesis. Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1984.

CHD – cohort – stronger effect for Framingham clerical women

36. Hammar, N., Alfreddson, L., Theorell, T. Job characteristics and incidence of myocardial infarction: A study of men and women in Sweden, with particular reference to job strain. Int J Epidemiol 1994;23:277-284.

MI – case-control – slightly stronger effects among white- collar workers (Sweden)

new. Hall EM, Johnson JV, Tsou T-S. Women, occupation, and risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews 1993;8:709-19.

CVD morbidity – cross-sectional – similar (NS) effects for blue-collar vs white-collar Swedish women

CVD mortality – cohort – stronger effects for low work control
and low social support for white-collar vs blue-collar Swedish women

Ambulatory blood pressure

114. Theorell T, Perski A, Akerstedt T, Sigala F, Ahlberg-Hulten G, Svensson J, Eneroth P. Changes in job strain in relation to changes in physiological states. Scand J Work Eviron Health 1988;14:189-96.

Work Ambulatory SBP – cohort – stronger effect for low status
jobs (e.g., waiters) out of 6 job titles in Sweden

new. Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Schwartz JE, Warren K, Pickering TG. The association of ambulatory blood pressure with alternative formulations of job strain. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 1994;20:349-63.

Work Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Risk of hypertension – stronger effect for New York City men with 12 years or less of education

Studies of Job Strain and Cardiovascular Disease (Or CVD Risk Factors) Which Stratify by Age

(“new” indicates articles published since the Ann. Rev. Pub. Health article by Schnall et al., 1994, was published; reference numbers are from the review article)

Cardiovascular disease

50. Johnson, J. V., Hall, E. M., Theorell, T. 1989. Combined effects of job strain and social isolation on cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in a random sample of the Swedish male working population. Scand J Work Eviron Health 15:271-79.

CVD – cohort – stronger effect for older Swedish white-collar men

53. Karasek, R. A. 1990. Lower health risk with increased job control among white collar workers. J Organiza Behav 11:171-85.

CHD symptoms – cross-sectional – stronger effect for older Swedish white-collar workers

68. LaCroix, A. Z. 1984. High demand/low control work and the incidence of CHD in the Framingham Cohort. PhD Thesis. Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

CHD – cohort – stronger effect for older women

Ambulatory blood pressure

101. Schnall PL, Schwartz JE, Landsbergis PA, Warren K, Pickering TG. The relationship between job strain, alcohol and ambulatory blood pressure. Hypertension 1992;19:488-94.

Work Ambulatory SBP –
stronger effect for older New York City men

Studies of Job Strain and Cardiovascular Disease (Or CVD Risk Factors) Which Stratify by Social Support

(“new” indicates articles published since the Ann. Rev. Pub. Health article by Schnall et al., 1994, was published; reference numbers are from the review article)

Cardiovascular disease

49. Johnson, J. V., Hall, E. M. 1988. Job strain, work place social support, and cardiovascular disease: A cross-sectional study of a random sample of the Swedish working population. Am J Public Health 78:1336-42.

CVD – cross-sectional – stronger Job Strain effect if low social support

All-cause mortality

8. Astrand, N. E., Hanson, B. S., Isacson, S. O. 1989. Job demands, job decision latitude, job support, and social network factors as predictors of mortality in a Swedish pulp and paper company. Br J Ind Med 46:334-40.

Mortality – cohort – weaker high latitude effect if high social support

25. Falk, A., Hanson, B. S., Isacsson, S-O., Ostergren, P-O. 1992. Job strain and mortality in elderly men: Social network, support, and influence as buffers. Am J Public Health 82:1136-39.

Mortality – cohort – stronger Job Strain effect if low social support

Ambulatory blood pressure

new. Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Schwartz JE, Warren K, Pickering TG. The association of ambulatory blood pressure with alternative formulations of job strain. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 1994;20:349-63.

Work and Home Ambulatory DBP – stronger effect for New York City men with lower social support

Studies of Job Strain and Cardiovascular Disease (Or CVD Risk Factors) Which Stratify by Gender

(“new” indicates articles published since the Ann. Rev. Pub. Health review article by Schnall et al., 1994 was published; reference numbers are from the review article)

Cardiovascular disease

68. LaCroix AZ. High demand/low control work and the incidence of CHD in the Framingham Cohort. PhD Thesis. Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1984.

CHD – cohort – stronger effect for women (Framingham, U.S.)

5. Alfredsson L, Spetz CL, Theorell T. Type of occupation and near-future hospitalization for myocardial infarction and some other diagnoses. Int J Epidemiol 1985;14:378-88.

MI (hospitalizations) – cohort – similar effects for men and women (Sweden)

33. Haan MN. Job strain and ischaemic heart disease: An epidemiological study of metal workers. Ann Clin Res 1988;20:143-45.

CHD – cohort – similar effects for men and women (Finland)

36. 36. Hammar N, Alfreddson L, Theorell T. Job characteristics and incidence of myocardial infarction: A study of men and women in Sweden, with particular reference to job strain. Int J Epidemiol 1994;23:277-284.

CHD – case-control – similar effects for men and women (Sweden)

55. Karasek RA, Gardell B, Lindell J. Work and non-work correlates of illness and behaviour in male and female Swedish white collar workers. J Occup Behav 1987;8:187-207.

CHD symptoms – cross-sectional – similar effects for men and women (Sweden)

53. Karasek RA. Lower health risk with increased job control among white collar workers. J Organiza Behav 1990;11:171-85.

CHD symptoms – cross-sectional – similar effects for men and women (Sweden)

Ambulatory blood pressure

75. Light KC, Turner JR, Hinderliter AL. Job strain and ambulatory work blood pressure in healthy young men and women. Hypertension 1992;20:214-18.

cross-sectional – job strain associated with AmBP only for men (North Carolina)

new. Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Schwartz JE, Warren K, Pickering T. Job strain, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. In: Sauter SL, Murphy LR (eds.) Organizational Risk Factors for Job Stress. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association;1995:97-112.

cross-sectional – job strain associated with AmBP only for men (New York City)

116. Van Egeren LF. The relationship between job strain and blood pressure at work, at home, and during sleep. Psychosom Med 1992;54:337-43.

cross-sectional – job strain associated with AmBP for both women and men (North Carolina)

114. Theorell T, Perski A, Akerstedt T, Sigala F, Ahlberg-Hulten G, Svensson J, Eneroth P. Changes in job strain in relation to changes in physiological states. Scand J Work Eviron Health 1988;14:189-96.

cohort – similar magnitude of association with systolic AmBP for both women and men, p-value >.05 since only 18 women vs 40 men in study (Sweden)

108. Theorell TPG, Ahlberg-Hulten G, Jodko M, Sigala F, Soderholm M, de la Torre B. Influence of job strain and emotion on blood pressure in female hospital personnel during work hours. Scand J Work Environ Health 1993;19:313-318.

cross-sectional – job strain associated with AmBP for women
[note: while this study did not include males, it is noted since it is one of the 3 studies that have found associations between job strain and AmBP among women]


81. Mensch BS, Kandel DB. Do job conditions influence the use of drugs. J Health Soc Behav 1988;29:169-84.

cross-sectional – similar effects for men and women

new. Johansson G, Johnson JV, Hall EM. Smoking and sedentary behavior as related to work organization. Soc Sci Med 1991;32:837-846.

cross-sectional – shift-work and piece-work associated with smoking only among men (Sweden)

Sedentary behavior

new. Johansson G, Johnson JV, Hall EM. Smoking and sedentary behavior as related to work organization. Soc Sci Med 1991;32:837-846.

cross-sectional – lack of learning opportunities associated with sedentary behavior for both men and women – psychological work demands associated with sedentary beahvior only among women (Sweden)

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