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6th ICOH-WOPS Congress (WOPS 2017) “For dignified and psychosocially healthy work” – Mexico City, MX – August 29 to September 1, 2017

The Sixth ICOH-WOPS Congress (WOPS 2017) will be held in Mexico City from August 29 to September 1, 2017, under the auspices of the National Autonomous University of México (UNAM), the Autonomous University of Morelos State (UAEM), the Mexican Institute of Social Security, and the collaboration of different academic and government organizations.


The Scientific Committee on “Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors” (ICOH-WOPS) has so far convened five successful congresses in various parts of the world. On this occasion, for the first time, the WOPS congress will be held in Latin America.

The Sixth ICOH-WOPS Congress (WOPS 2017) will be held in Mexico City from August 29 to September 1, 2017, under the auspices of the National Autonomous University of México (UNAM), the Autonomous University of Morelos State (UAEM), the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), and the collaboration of different academic and government organizations.

The conference theme is “For dignified and psychosocially healthy work” as this is a goal to achieve in most countries because of deteriorated working conditions due to the negative impacts of a globalized economy.

There is a need to analyze and determine how the study of psychosocial factors can support the development of healthy and dignified work. It is also advisable to think and consider: How far have we come in understanding the mechanisms by which psychosocial factors affect the health of workers?; Are the methods and models developed appropriate to the reality of all countries including developing countries?; What is the status of the transfer of knowledge on psychosocial factors between the various regions of the world?  More than ever in these times there is a priority to analyze the role of situations such as inequality and job insecurity in considering psychosocial factors at work. Finally, we should ask; What is the impact of our scientific work and in which sectors or types of organizations is it more necessary to interve?

The program will include lectures by prestigious academics, professionals, roundtables, symposiums and forums with industry representatives, government agencies and national and international nongovernmental organizations.

Website: http://condor.zaragoza.unam.mx/wops/

Principal Contact

WOPS-ICOH 2017 Organizing Committee

Dr. Horacio Tovalín Ahumada
M. en C. Juan Luis Soto Espinosa

Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza, UNAM
Campus II

Batalla de 5 de Mayo esq. Fuerte de Loreto
Iztapalapa, Ciudad de México
C.P. 09230
Phone: (52)5556230708 ext 106


Dr. Arturo Juárez García

Jefe del Programa de Investigación
Centro de Investigación Transdisciplinar en Psicología

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Pico de Orizaba 1, Col. Los Volcanes,
Cuernavaca, Morelos. México
C.P. 62350
Tel.: 01 (777) 329 7000 ext. 3709 y 3738

Email: wops2017@gmail.com

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